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Universitat Stuttgart

PEGASUS Contact: Prof. Bjoern Annighoefer

General site, click here

Research Fields

  • Aerodynamics and Gasdynamics
  • Aerospace Thermodynamics
  • Flight Mechanics and Control
  • Aircraft Design
  • Propulsion Systems
  • Aircraft Systems
  • Navigation
  • Space Systems
  • Statics and Dynamics of Aerospace Structures
  • Combustion Technology


  • Flight simulator A320
  • Research aircraft (e-Genius, DA-40, ICARE)
  • Plasma channels
  • Several wind tunnels (gust, supersonic)
  • Several water channels
  • Diverse structural & materials equipment
  • LiDAR equipment
  • Turbine test rigs


  • Full professors: 17
  • Research staff: 275
  • MSc students: 175


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