The foundation’s objectives are:
– Encouraging collaboration between universities in the field of aerospace engineering, with a primary focus on the countries of the European Union;
– Improving the quality of the service provided by the universities to students, the European aerospace industry, the European Member States and the European Union
– Facilitating organised contacts with universities that do not qualify as potential members of the PEGASUS network on account of their internal organisation or their geographical location.
The foundation attempts to achieve these objectives, inter alia, by setting up and maintaining a network between the participating universities. This is the PEGASUS network and it is based on the agreements made at the PEGASUS Council Meeting of 2006 in Berlin.
The PEGASUS Foundation Act (“stichting”, a foundation in Dutch law) was signed at the notary’s office in Rotterdam on the 6th of July 2007 at 11.30h. The name of the foundation is: Stichting Partnership of a European Group of Aeronautics and Space Universities Foundation, (to be abbreviated to: the PEGASUS Foundation). The foundation’s registered offices are in the municipality of Delft. The foundation has been incorporated for an indefinite period.