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TU Delft

PEGASUS Contact: Joris A. Melkert

General site, click here

Research Fields

  • Aerodynamics
  • Wind energy
  • Flight performance & propulsion
  • Propulsion & power
  • Structures & computational mechanics
  • Novel materials
  • Structural integrity
  • Control & simulation
  • Air transport & operation
  • Aircraft noise & climate
  • Space missions


  • Wind tunnel lab
  • Aircraft propulsion and power lab
  • Research flight simulator
  • Laboratory aircraft
  • Human machine laboratory
  • Calibration laboratory
  • Aerospace structures & materials laboratory
  • Cleanroom
  • Satellite ground station


  • Full professors: 22
  • Associate professors: 15
  • Assistant professors: 52
  • Researchers: 91
  • PhD candidates: 183
  • MSc students: 1319


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