PEGASUS Contact: Prof. Dr. Peter Horst
TU Braunschweig

General site, click here
Research Fields
- Jet propulsion and turbine machinery
- Flight guidance, flight control and air traffic management
- Aircraft and lightweight design
- Space systems
- Fluid mechanics, aerodynamics and aeroacoustics
- Aerospace materials
- Adaptronics and function integration
- Several wind tunnels
- Icing wind tunnel
- Large water channel
- Jet engine V2500-A1
- Large propulsion test rig
- Several material testing facilities (stress/torsion)
- Multi-axial structure test rig
- Mobile robotic CFRP-production platform
- High temperature material coating centre
- 2 research aircraft
- 3 flight simulators
- GNSS constellation simulation
- Helicopter drag probe Helipod
- Full professors: 18
- Associate professors: 3
- Assistant professors: 19
- Researchers: N/A
- PhD candidates: 150*
- MSc students: 250
* There are many PhD-candidates, who are working at DLR, but perform their PhD at the TU BS. These are not counted
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