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KTH Stockholm

PEGASUS Contact: Prof. Nikolay Ivchenko

General site, click here

Research Fields

  • Aerodynamics
  • Flight dynamics
  • Lightweight structures and composites
  • Sound and vibration
  • Human physiology in space
  • Experimental space physics, astro-particle physics
  • Space environment
  • Remote sensing, geoinformatics and satellite navigation
  • Propulsion technology and turbomachinery


  • Low speed wind tunnel
  • Electronic labs
  • Student workshop
  • Swedish Aerospace Physiology Centre
  • Acoustic laboratory (Marcus Wahlberg)
  • Structures and composites laboratory


  • Full professors: 20
  • Associate professors: 9
  • Assistant professors: 7
  • Researchers: 25
  • PhD candidates: 60
  • MSc students: 150


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